Day [9] A Panel of Survivors

Today we continued our exploration of collections and how classes can be created in the .Net Framework. Some important concepts that clicked with me today were the getters and setters involved with setting properties, the syntax on constructors, and the theory behind encapsulation.

But the most interesting point of the day was the Pathway Panel of Tech Elevator Alumni. Seven graduates, two from last summer, four from the fall cohort, and one from Cleveland who is now working in Pittsburgh. Caitie the Pathway director, asked them half a dozen questions like, What was the hardest week for you?, What do you wish you would have learned more thoroughly?, and What was the interviewing process like? It was fascinating to hear the answers from these people who had run and survived the gauntlet that I am currently being pummeled in.

Some interesting things that I learned:

  1. If this turns into a job, I’m definitely going to make a lot more money than I was making before.
  2. Not all interviews are technical. Many companies will send H.R. representatives to do the interviewing rather than a software engineer.
  3. A job as a software engineer at a large corporation will move at a much slower pace than Tech Elevator.

Overall, it was a confidence building afternoon. The graduates said that the interviewing process was daunting and difficult, but I suppose I already expected that.

After the panel, we sat back at the work bench and plowed through some exercises before hitting up a Friday happy hour at Beirs Tavern.

Week two in the books.

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